Hi This is

Umi Atiyah

seekers of knowledge

Hi Guys!

this website will present about me and I will tell you about my skills and hobbies. I hope we can establish a good relationship whether it's in work or playmates.

  • Name Umi Atiyah
  • Country Indonesia
  • Location Bekasi, Jawa Barat
  • e-mail umiatiyah97@gmail.com
  • Freelance Available
Contact Mee

  • Education

  • Bootcamp Juara Coding

    Mar 2021 - Jun 2021

    Learn how to build rest api with Java Springboot and implement on mobile with React Native.

  • Panca Sakti University Bekasi

    2017 - 2022

    Bachelor of Engineering.

  • Experience

  • Engineer - Refactory

    Jul 2021 - Present

    Software Engineer.

  • Intensive Probation - Refactory

    Jul 2021 - Sept 2021

    Fullstack Developer.

  • Freelance Fullstack Developer - BarnoxDev

    Sep 2017 - Mar 2021

    Build System Information on website and mobile.

  • Operator Sekolah - SDIT Darojatul Ashfad

    Nov 2019 - Mar 2021

    School Operators who manage various basic education data at SDIT Darojatul Ashfad.

  • Teacher - SMK Puja Mahardika Cikarang

    Jul 2019 - Jun 2021

    Lecturer of subjects in the TKJ major.

  • Teacher - SMPIT Darojatul Ashfad

    Jul 2019 - Present

    ICT subject teacher.

  • Operator Produksi - PT Yamaha Music Manufacturing Asia

    Feb 2017 - Feb 2019

    As a Production Operator for Final Assy at PT YMMA.

  • Operator Produksi - PT Prakarsa Alam Segar

    Jul 2016 - Nov 2016

    As a Production Operator for the Packing section at PT PAS.

What I like


play with any code.


ride a long journey.


take a hard trip.


run or walk leisurely.